
About Me

My name is Alusius marojahan pasaribu habeahan, you can call me Alusius.
I was born in Medan, February 6th 2008.
I'm 15 years old. As the youngest children in my family, i always felt it was a bad thing.
I've always dreamed of being an anime character.
Happy from childhood about Programming. Learning Programming by self-taught, starting from YouTube and other webs.
I like socializing with people who understand me, but I've never met someone like that.
I don't know why, but I always felt bad about my physique, which resulted in me always feeling insecure.
I'm not going to pour out all my dark problems here, because you won't know me.
To be honest I'm not a rich man, but I love it.
My hobbies are definitely listening music, playing games, healing.

I created this website just to fill my free time.
I studied at SMK 1 majoring in office management.


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• Caliph
• Irfan
• JarXr
• Ameys

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